Friday, January 8, 2016

Douglas Primary School Week of January 4, 2016

Douglas Primary School

Dear Families,

The cold winter weather is upon us! Please send your child to school with a warm coat, gloves/mittens and a hat each day.
The children will go out for recess weather permitting. Recess will be in the classroom if the temperature is below 28 degrees or if the wind chill is such. If the playground is wet or covered with snow, students will need snow pants in order to play in the snow. If students do not wear snow pants they will remain on the pavement outside. 

Parent pick up and early dismissals:

It would be greatly appreciated if parents could please limit dismissals between 2:30 and 2:45 to a minimum.  It gets very busy in the front of the school at this time due to buses and vans pulling up in front of the school.Parent pick up is at 2:55 at the side door. Parents should not be coming to the office at this time for parent pick up due to the bus dismissal procedures. We always want your children safe and last minute changes are difficult with our specials ending at 2:45 each day.We appreciate your cooperation in these matters.Thank you!

Mrs. Forest's class made New Year's hats for 2016 along with a writing assignment!!!

Mrs. Wheeler's class made beautiful penguins and will be writing about them this week!

Grade 1 Math Time!

Jungle Jim visited the Primary School Friday morning to teach our children about simple machines. These machines ultimately catch the mouse!!!

In this assembly, a mouse is loose in the school. Now you’re probably familiar with the two ways to catch a mouse: the glue and the snap trap, neither of which work out so well for the mouse. So in the show, Jim proposes to build a BETTER mouse trap – one that will capture the mouse without injuring him. But building a new invention like that from scratch might be tricky, so first he talks about the five simple machines which go into more advanced machines: the lever, the wheel, the pulley, the inclined plane, and the screw.

Thank you to our PTO for funding this enrichment program for the Primary School!

Kindergarten students stand in front of the beautiful art display. Thank you Mr. Scafidi!


Meeting- Tues., Jan. 12th @ 7pm

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